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About Me

I'm just a gal in her 30s who is working as an independent IT security consultant. I am familiar with, and can successfully perform thorough network vulnerability assessments, web apps assessments, wireless security assessments, and more.

I know how the most popular operating systems work, down to the nitty gritty. I am always up to date with the latest O.S. vulnerabilities and their fixes. I am also familiar with various IDEs and other software development tools (think C++, C#, Java, etc). This means that I know how software-based vulnerabilities are introduced, and how they can be fixed.

Here are my top cybersecurity skills

Network hardening

I examine security holistically, creating network maps, and then filling in all the security gaps.

Database security

I ensure that your database stays safe, and no foreigner gets access to it no matter what happens.

Software development

I code small sized, or full-scale applications and tools that automate boring security tasks.

Incident management

I create solid action plans that allow companies to successfully manage any security incidents or threats.

Contact me to schedule a free consultation